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The Accessibility Awareness Project

The Richmond Centre for Disability (RCD) launched the Accessibility Awareness Project in 2003 as a joint effort of the City of Richmond, Tourism Richmond, and the DRC (former name of RCD). The project has two goals:

  • Firstly to create awareness of the need for accessibility with the Richmond businesses; so that restaurants, hotels, transportation services, and other tourist attractions can provide better services to customers with disabilities.
  • Secondly to recognize and highlight the many businesses and attractions in Richmond that already offer outstanding accessibility through an easy-to-use online database.

The assessments posted, and the resulting ratings from "1-5" is based on the the BC Building Access Handbook 2014. Rating of 3.0 to 4.5 indicates that the corresponding sites display a very high level of accessibility for all but the person with severe disability. Anyone looking for detailed information, or who may require specific accommodations, should contact the RCD, so we may be able to address your specific needs.
When features are described as accessible in this website, it indicates that at least a minimum level of accessibility is met in accordance with the B.C. Building Access Handbook.
For Example:

  • Parking spaces where designated accessible, are at least 3700mm (12 ft.) wide, and are near an accessible entrance; accessible entrance doors are at least 800mm. clear opening width.
  • Washroom designs that conform to the the BC Building Access Handbook 2014 guidelines have been assessed for usability of persons with vision impairment, including directional signs, lighting levels and also for written materials, where provided to customers.

In 1991 Richmond was awarded the "5 Star Award for Accessibility" – the only city in Canada to receive the full 5-star award. We hope you will find that Richmond is one of the most accessible cities you have ever visited.
The RCD intends this website to assist in guiding you across Richmond, which is a remarkably accessible and naturally beautiful city. Make sure to check back often, as the RCD staff is working hard to keep the site as up to date as possible.
If you would like to learn more about the RCD please visit RCD website. Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated so please email us. Thank you for visiting the Access Richmond website and enjoy all the accessible amenities that Richmond has to offer!